Birdseye Studios - Landscape Architecture and Design Studio Adelaide

Lameroo town centre | sa

Birdseye studios has been commissioned by the southern mallee district council to develop the lameroo town centre.

The southern mallee district council strategic plan sets a clear vision for the development of the region into ‘a place where people aspire to recreate, do business and live well’. The strategy to achieve the vision is to invest in long term infrastructure. The lameroo town centre master plan will provide a guiding document for the development of the town centre into a vibrant, activated and engaging place. Other goals to be addressed, including community, economy and facilities in the meantime.

The project focuses on the commercial centre of lameroo which provides community facilities, open space and a broad range of businesses to local residents and travellers. There is immense potential to revitalise this area and to increase its attraction as a commercial, social and recreational space for local residents and visitors.